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Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Building Package (cURL) from Source on Linux
Building package from a source can provide you with the latest features and customisation options. In this blog post, I'll guide you...
Siddhesh Kadam
3 min read
Create Your Own RPM
In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of creating an RPM package for a Python script using a sample project named...
Siddhesh Kadam
1 min read
Ansible Magic Variable
In Ansible, magic variables are special variables that provide information about the current execution context, hosts, and other runtime...
Siddhesh Kadam
11 min read
Linux Package Management
Linux package management involves the installation, removal, and management of software packages on a Linux system. Different Linux...
Siddhesh Kadam
6 min read
Linux Process Management
Linux process management involves various commands and utilities to control and monitor processes running on a Linux system. In this...
Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Nginx Load Balancer
Nginx is a well-known open-source web server and reverse proxy server that also serves as a load balancer. Setting up a Nginx load...
Siddhesh Kadam
3 min read
Analyzing Disk I/O Performance with IOPING
ioping is a Linux utility that allows you to measure I/O latency of a storage device or file system. It's a simple tool but can be quite...
Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Type Of System Calls (Linux)
In Linux, system calls are used by user-space processes to request services or functionality from the operating system kernel. There are...
Siddhesh Kadam
1 min read
Install Jenkins on CentOS Using Ansible
To install Jenkins on CentOS using Ansible, you can use the following playbook. Ensure you have Ansible installed and configured to...
Siddhesh Kadam
3 min read
Linux "tee" Command
Linux offers a vast array of command-line utilities, each designed to perform specific tasks efficiently. One such versatile tool is the...
Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Ansible to Automate Server Reboot a Linux server
You can use Ansible to Automate Server Reboot a Linux server and wait for it to come back online. Here's a simple playbook to understand...
Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Mount AWS S3 Bucket On Linux
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a scalable, highly durable, and cost-effective cloud storage solution. In many cases, you might...
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