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Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Automating Dynamic Time Date Facts with Ansible
Automating dynamic time and date facts with Ansible can be achieved using the ansible_date_time fact module. This module gathers various...

Siddhesh Kadam
3 min read
How to verify the installation of an Ansible collection?
Ansible collections are a powerful way to organize and distribute Ansible content such as playbooks, roles, modules, and plugins....

Siddhesh Kadam
3 min read
How to Setup Ansible AWS Dynamic Inventory
The Ansible AWS dynamic inventory is a powerful tool used to automatically discover and manage AWS resources within Ansible. Here's how...

Siddhesh Kadam
3 min read
Automating AWS EC2 Instance Provisioning with Ansible
In today's rapidly evolving IT landscape, automation is key to efficiently managing infrastructure and accelerating deployment processes....

Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Ansible Strategy
In Ansible, the term "strategy" refers to the mechanism or approach used to execute tasks across multiple hosts. Ansible provides...

Siddhesh Kadam
1 min read
Ansible Magic Variable
In Ansible, magic variables are special variables that provide information about the current execution context, hosts, and other runtime...

Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Ansible Error Handling
Error handling in Ansible is crucial for managing and maintaining infrastructure. Ansible provides several mechanisms for error handling....

Siddhesh Kadam
1 min read
Use of all:vars in Ansible
In Ansible, all:vars refers to the section in an inventory file where you can define variables that apply to all hosts in your inventory....

Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Understand Ansible Play Recap
The "PLAY RECAP" section in Ansible's output provides a summary of the status of each host that was targeted during a playbook run. It's...

Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Automating Jenkins Backups with Ansible Playbooks
Creating a backup of your Jenkins installation can be done using Ansible. You can use Ansible to automate the backup process by running...

Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Verbosity In Ansible
In Ansible, the verbose option is used to control the level of verbosity or detail in the output generated when running an Ansible...

Siddhesh Kadam
1 min read
Ansible Configuration File Priority (Precedence)
In Ansible, configuration files have a specific priority order, which determines which configuration settings take precedence when...

Siddhesh Kadam
1 min read
Install Jenkins on CentOS Using Ansible
To install Jenkins on CentOS using Ansible, you can use the following playbook. Ensure you have Ansible installed and configured to...

Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Ansible to Automate Server Reboot a Linux server
You can use Ansible to Automate Server Reboot a Linux server and wait for it to come back online. Here's a simple playbook to understand...

Siddhesh Kadam
1 min read
Create an AWS EC2 instance with Ansible
To create an AWS EC2 instance with Ansible, you can use the ec2 module. Here's an example Ansible playbook that creates a t2.micro...
Siddhesh Kadam
1 min read
Ansible vars_prompt
In most of scenario you need a input from user to decide how the playbook should execute. When running a playbook, you may wish to prompt...
Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Ansible Run Time
In most of lengthy execution you might need to know total time taken by any task to perform on remote server.This statistics much needed...
Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Speed Up Ansible Playbook
In large network while running Ansible playbook on multiple servers may be a time consuming activity. So there are following two methods...
Siddhesh Kadam
2 min read
Ansible When Condition
Ansible allow us to put conditional control over playbook execution using when operation. By using when condition you can control flow of...
Siddhesh Kadam
3 min read
Ansible Custom Fact
In my previous blog we saw that what is Ansible Fact and why it is being used for. Just to revise this again, Ansible fats are...
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